Virtual Winter Wellness Week from 6th to 12th December 2021

Virtual Winter Wellness Week from 6th to 12th December 2021


6th - 12th December 2021

  • For the entire week, the Profi Team of Fitness Professionals will answer your questions.
  • The Profi tutors and graduates will present their knowledge on areas including:

nutrition / training / psychology / business / exercises / health / Pilates / strength stability, flexibility, mobility, cardio training.

  • We will answer all of your questions during the one-week live event!
  • Are you a gym owner or fitness professional?
  • Have you got an interest or a passion for health and fitness?
  • Would you like to join one of our courses, but you are not sure where to start?
  • Are you exercising from home and not seeing the benefits of your efforts?
  • Are you looking to change your eating habits, but not sure where to start?
  • Would you like to take up running, but you’re unsure how to begin?

All of your questions are valid and we are happy to answer all of them!


All Questions will be visible on our website

All answers will be provided by our tutors who are specialists in their field for 7 consecutive days, all free of charge!  

You can register NOW, and we will send you a reminder to join us Live

 (link to the ZOOM

You will also have the option to listen back to all questions being answered on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram.

This is the First Event of its kind! - 7 days of inspiration for everyone totally free!


Whether you are a fitness professional or fitness lover, beginner or professional, this is the perfect forum for you to ask questions and learn more about the health and fitness industry.

ProFi Fitness School will collaborate along with the best Teachers, Personal Trainers, Instructors &  Nutritionists to bring you the International Fitness & Wellness open week.

The Open Week will be bold, innovative, unconventional, and inventive.

See and learn different approaches to the topics you already knew and engross yourself with new ideas and training methods to provide you with a new vision and passion for fitness.

The Open Week promises to delight you, surprise you and perhaps even arouse debate - but it will certainly motivate you to take care of your health and teach you how to pass this knowledge on to others.

You will learn:

  • How to improve strength, speed, balance, mobility, and flexibility based on the most recent research;
  • How to bring your body into a great shape effectively and efficiently,
  • How to create a great relationship with your client, how to keep them motivated, and how to deal with clients with mental issues,
  • How to improve your eating habits and choose the necessary supplements,
  • How to increase your income from the fitness industry

Plus so much more, Check the full list of questions to how you can benefit from it!

All experts have been selected based on their knowledge, experience, and passion for the fitness industry. During each spot, you’ll meet a Fitness Professional who will provide all the answers to your questions in a 15-minute slot. 

You Simply Can’t Afford to Miss this Event if you are any of the following:

  • Thinking about becoming a fitness professional (Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor, Pilates Instructor)
  • A personal trainer who wants to supplement their training and learn to sell programmes and packages
  • Club managers who want to get inspiration to expand their club schedules;
  • Fitness lovers who would like to become a trainer or instructor in the future
  • A fitness enthusiast, especially in: Yoga, Pilates, Stretching, Balance who want to absorb new ways of exercising and learn about new forms of classes
  • An occasional gym-goer who dreams about a healthy and beautiful body.

A great time and a huge amount of knowledge guaranteed!

Get ready to be a part of the International Society of Fitness Professionals!



All answers will be provided by our tutors and students who are specialists in their field for 7 consecutive days, all free of charge!
You can register NOW, and we will send you a reminder to join us Live.