- Date for last update: 11th January 2021
- This Statement on rights and obligations ("Statement" or "Regulations") was created on the basis of the Principles of Profi Fitness School LTD and constitutes the regulations that define the relationship between the website and users and all other persons using the website www.profi-fitness.com & www.tpmobility.com
- Your privacy is very important to us. We have formulated the Data Use Policy to provide you with key information about how users can use www.profi-fitness.com & www.tpmobility.com to share content with others, and how we collect and may use the information about users. We encourage you to read the Data Use Policy and make informed decisions about it.
- Pursuant to Art. 24 of the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws 2016.0.922, as amended), I was informed that:
- The administrator of my personal data is Profi Fitness School LTD
- My personal data will be processed only for the purpose of information regarding the operation of Profi Fitness School LTD and will not be shared with other recipients,
- I have the right to access my personal data and correct them,
- Providing Profi Fitness School LTD with my personal data is voluntary,
- Pursuant to Art. 32 of the Act, I have the right to submit a written, motivated request to stop processing my personal data.
III. Security
- We will make every effort to ensure that the www.profi-fitness.com website is safe.
- It is forbidden to collect user content and data as well as other forms of accessing the www.profi-fitness.ie website using automatic tools (e.g., collecting bots, robots, spiders or copying programs) without our prior consent.
- It is forbidden to transmit viruses and other malicious code.
- It is forbidden to swindle login details and gain access to an account belonging to another person.
- It is not allowed to attack, intimidate and harass presenters.
- It is forbidden to use the www.profi-fitness.com website for illegal, misleading, malicious or discriminatory purposes.
- Users of the www.profi-fitness.com & www.tpmobility.com website provide their real names and surnames and data. We need users' help to keep things that way. Below are the user's obligations towards the website regarding registration and concern for account security:
- It is forbidden to provide false personal data and to create an account for another person without their permission.
- It is forbidden to share your login link (or a secret key in the case of application developers), allow others to access your own account and perform other activities that may reduce the security level of your account.
- Payment
- Profi Fitness School LTD as an association is not a VAT payer, therefore we issue the so-called a simplified invoice that does not contain information about VAT rates.
- The price of the conference ticket and other fees is specified in the price list.
- The conference ticket is non-refundable.
- All payments to Profi Fitness School LTD are made via PayPal and Stripe, payment cards, credit cards, bank transfer
Account name:
Acc No:
IE97 AIBK 9320 8638 5040 99
AIB Bank, Dame Street, Dublin 2
- General Provisions
The 25th Fitness Conference is a project aimed at professional activation on the fitness market. Participation in the Conference is voluntary, and the fee for participation in the Conference is intended entirely to cover the organizational costs of the project.
- Admission to conferences is possible only after registration on the zoom platform.
- Purchase of a ticket / confirmed registration in the ZOOM program entitles you to participate in all trainings and lectures included in the event plan, planned for that day. There is no registration for any classes or lectures.
- Everyone can take part in the CONFERENCE event. It is not required to confirm instructor / coaching or sports qualifications.
- On-line registration is open until 8th April 2021 23:59:59. After this date, the purchase of tickets is possible only after contacting the Organizer ProFi Fitness School profi.fitnessmanager@gmail.com
- During registration, each person must provide their individual e-mail address to which a confirmation link will be sent.
- The fee applies to participation in the entire event (classes and lectures). The ticket price for an event depends on the place of purchase and your qualifications.
- Invoices for companies for participation in the convention will be issued only on request on the basis of data sent by e-mail to pfsinternational@gmail.com
- After registration, the fee must be paid immediately using the selected online payment method.
- The ticket cannot be returned.
- The further resale of tickets at a profit, or their purchase with the intention of further resale at a profit, constitutes an infringement of Art. 133 § 1 of the Code of Petty Offenses.
- The event cannot be filmed
- The Organizer may document the course of the event by: photographing and filming, and then use such recorded materials for broadcasting in the mass media (television, radio, Internet, press) or for the promotion / advertising of the Organizer and other persons indicated by the Organizer. Participation in the event is tantamount to the Participant's consent to the recording, use and / or distribution by the Organizer and its related entities.
- ProFi Fitness do not take any responsibility for the content presented by presenters participating in the conference.